The Day’s Reading, 1/30/17

Jason Wojciechowski
5 min readJan 31, 2017

Lots more Ban Content today.

No Ban No Wall

Christi Parsons, Los Angeles Times, Some Republicans worry that Trump’s refugee and vetting policies go too far — what did Conway mean by “circumstantial”?

Erwin Chemerinsky, Los Angeles Times, Trump’s cruel, illegal refugee executive order

Christi Parsons, Los Angeles Times, White House seems to back down on part of new vetting policy — the part about green card holders. Priebus referred to them as being “exempt” from the order, though, which is hot garbage. They’re not “exempt” by some grace of the executive; they never should have been affected in the first place.

Abby Phillip & Kelsey Snell, The Washington Post, Priebus: Lawful permanent residents aren’t affected by Trump’s latest executive order ‘going forward’

David Lauter and Brian Bennett, Los Angeles Times, Green card holders will not be blocked by Trump’s order, Homeland Security says — I guess this is the “official” version of what Priebus said

Laura King, Barbara Demick, James Queally, Los Angeles Times, Confusion reigns at U.S. airports as protests of Trump executive order enter second day

James Queally, Los Angeles Times, ‘Breathtaking violation of rights’: L.A. city attorney barred from seeing detainees at LAX

James Queally, Javier Panzar, Matt Hamilton, Los Angeles Times, Protesters block traffic at LAX as thousands rally against Trump travel ban

Lisa Mascaro, Los Angeles Times, Democrats in Congress drafting legislation to repeal Trump’s refugee ban, pressuring GOP for support

Libby Hill, Los Angeles Times, Writers Guild of America calls travel ban ‘un-American’; stands behind Asghar Farhadi

Aaron Blake, The Washington Post, Trump’s travel ban is causing chaos — and putting his unflinching nationalism to the test — Blake is probably right about Trump (and Bannon, Miller, and the rest of the fascists) digging their heels in. What I’d hope is that we can get some movement out of the Grahams and McCains in Congress, and out of the American people more generally.

Alene Tchekmedyian, Los Angeles Times, 75-year-old grandmother from Iran tells the story of her detention at LAX

Sarah D. Wire, Los Angeles Times, As California Democrats blast Trump’s refugee order, Republicans in the congressional delegation hold their fire

Jerry Markon & Brady Dennis, The Washington Post, Amid protests and confusion, Trump defends executive order: ‘This is not a Muslim ban’

Jonathan H. Adler, The Washington Post, President Trump may hire ‘only the best people’ but he did not rely upon them to draft and implement his latest executive order

Dan Lamothe, The Washington Post, Among veterans, raw responses to Trump’s effort to block refugees and others from Muslim countries

Brian Bennett, Los Angeles Times, Travel ban is the clearest sign yet of Trump advisors’ intent to reshape the country — by “reshape” the Times really means “make white and Christian.”

Kimberly Kindy, The Washington Post, With his wife blocked from returning from Iran, a Columbia University student eyes quitting his program to be with her

Tania Ganguli, Los Angeles Times, Lakers’ Deng not expected to be affected by Trump’s executive order — because he’s from South Sudan, not Sudan.

Ann M. Simmons, Los Angeles Times, We don’t know exactly what ‘extreme vetting’ will look like, but screening for refugees is already pretty tough

Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Los Angeles Times, Dr. Kamal Fadlalla works in New York, but is in limbo in Sudan because of Trump’s executive order

Kelsey Snell, The Washington Post, Trump’s travel ban could make Rex Tillerson’s potential job harder, a former defense secretary says

David Weigel & Ed O’Keefe, The Washington Post, Democrats launch a full-scale opposition push against Trump’s executive order

Amy B Wang, The Washington Post, Trump asked for a ‘Muslim ban,’ Giuliani says — and ordered a commission to do it ‘legally’ — of course, the courts have spent years inventing reasons why they shouldn’t look behind the text of the laws to get at the real purpose. Those reasons aren’t even wholly unreasonable, but in the end, the fact is that they create a regime in which things can be, as Keith Ellison says, languaged up to avoid scrutiny.

Robert Costa, The Washington Post, Kasich calls Trump’s immigration order — and White House staff — ‘ham-handed’ — The Reasonable Republican (TM) thinks the problem here was that the staff didn’t speak up loudly enough about the flaws of the EO to Trump

Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times, U.S. diplomats to protest Trump’s travel ban order — as ever, fuck Sean Spicer


Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, Quebec mosque attack suspect charged with 6 counts of first-degree murder

No Bannon No Wall

Christi Parsons, Los Angeles Times, Trump’s revamp of top advisors reflects the rise of controversial aide Steve Bannon — this Spicer shithead thinks we’re dumb enough to believe that Bannon’s seven years in the Navy is relevant experience here

Can’t Alienate ’em All

Josh McCrain, The Washington Post, What does Donald Trump need for a successful presidency? Bureaucrats.

Trump vs. America

David Lauter, Los Angeles Times, President Trump hits majority disapproval in record time, Gallup finds — it’s almost like he lost the election by three million votes

Trump vs. His Own Family

Emily Jane Fox, Vanity Fair, Can Jared and Ivanka Outrun Donald Trump’s Scandals?

Trump vs. Koch

Matea Gold & James Hohmann, The Washington Post, Koch network could serve as potent resistance in Trump era

Matea Gold & James Hohmann, The Washington Post, Scott Walker tells Republicans: ‘It’s put up or shut up time’ — I know which way I’m voting

Trump vs. Chuck

David Weigel, The Washington Post, Trump’s joke about Schumer’s ‘fake tears’ sours an already complicated relationship

Trump vs. Obama

Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post, Obama rejects comparison between Trump’s immigration policy and his own, encourages protests

Trump vs. Congress

Sean Sullivan & Kelsey Snell, The Washington Post, Angry Republicans lash out at Trump for not consulting them on travel ban — John Cornyn thinks this is a “dust-up”

Trump vs. Order and Reason

Ashley Parker & Robert Costa & Philip Rucker, The Washington Post, From order to disorder: How Trump’s immigration directive exposed GOP rifts

He’s Definitely An Anti-Semite

Abby Phillip, The Washington Post, Facing criticism, Trump administration has no regrets about leaving out Jews in Holocaust statement — is he just a tool of the actual anti-Semites like Bannon? What’s the difference? If you’re too weak-willed to stand up to a form of Holocaust denial, then you’re an anti-Semite, and it doesn’t matter who your son-in-law is.

Oh Man, If We Can Get Rid Of Darrell Issa…

Christine Mai-Duc, Los Angeles Times, Democrats target 7 congressional seats held by California Republicans for 2018 midterm elections

Aw, Is She Mad?

Erik Wemple, The Washington Post, Kellyanne Conway is mad about ‘alternative facts’ blowup — no, she’s not mad, it’s all a game to enrich herself

Collective Bargaining

Erik Wemple, The Washington Post, Huffington Post editorial staffers ratify collective-bargaining agreement

I Liked Him All The Way Back In “Alphas”

Tre’vell Anderson and Yvonne Villarreal, Los Angeles Times, Mahershala Ali calls for respect and understanding between those who are different



Jason Wojciechowski

Union lawyer, A's ESPN SweetSpot blogger. Bow ties, bright pants, hella cats. I dissent.